środa, 27 listopada 2013

Few dark reflection on light...

Chanukah, our youngest holiday and it is right around the corner. It is all about the light, miracle, warmth - in deed it is about deep hidden transition and growth that comes from keeping tradition alive. 

Internal work starts from one spark, observation that we make about our own reality. If we choose to fallow through and day by day add to that fire, at the end we might experience so much light, hope and inspiration - not only receive light, but also become light ourselves. 

Young holiday gets older, like New York, that is not so new anymore. If there is anything that can be surprising or fresh? Is change really possible, can old story can lead to new insights? Isn't new way too new today for such an old stuff?

We ask of the rule of our tradition, its place in our lives, in our civilization we seems to have everything one needs to live and go on without religion or G-d, growth, search for depths. We do not need to be in the moment anymore, there is so much entertainment that we do not even have to face our own fear - and if need adrenalin bust, we can make them up even more real and stronger than reality... We are free to be who ever we wish to be in our virtual worlds. 

Freedom is good, but what if you feel stuck in that freedom? What if one can't free himself from loneliness and alienation of having own ego blowed out of any proportion - what when freedom takes away from us right for Tzimtzum - for self-restriction, and self-limitation together with hope of growth and transition, true and weak self, enjoyment of those short moments of illumination that leaves us in even deepest darkness, helpless compassion for destiny that is out of control...   
Hopefully Chanukah is still such a young holiday, can still grow and bring new light of understanding. We are lighting seven dark spaces tonight - we leave out some opportunities, we learn to wait for pleasure of fullillumination.  We are ready to give up for that night deepest inspiration for true darkness. We going to delay that spiritual pleasure and as community and individuals we kerp waiting for hope in pain and having to deal with destruction and impossibility of Tikun Olam. Exacly that expirience makes us who we are, makes us to be true dark light, light darkness of our generation.  

Chanukah Sameah! 

On erev Channukah, Borough Park

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